FIA - Food Industry Associates
FIA stands for Food Industry Associates
Here you will find, what does FIA stand for in Manpower under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Food Industry Associates? Food Industry Associates can be abbreviated as FIA What does FIA stand for? FIA stands for Food Industry Associates. What does Food Industry Associates mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in West Yorkshire, Kirklees engaged in staffing and recruiting industry.
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Alternative definitions of FIA
- The Fed Internaionale De Auto
- Futures Industry Association
- Federal Investigation Agency
- Federal Insurance Administration
- Friends In Action
- Financial Inventory Accounting
- Futures Industry Act
- Foreign Investment Approval
View 84 other definitions of FIA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FCL Fundraising Consultants Ltd
- FPMI Fox Pool Management Inc
- FCCT Fife Coast and Countryside Trust
- FDG Flint Development Group
- FFPL Flop Films Pvt. Ltd.
- FRC Fundamental Research Corp
- FHF Friends of Hue Foundation
- FEDD The Foundation for Educational Digital Development
- FAD First Ascent Design
- FPAWD Four Pi App and Web Development
- F1SGP Flavor 1St Growers and Packers
- FSC Float Sixty Corporation
- FML Forth Medical Ltd
- FITG Facility IT Group
- FLCS Family Life Counseling Services
- FBM Fresh Brewed Media
- FG The Fury Group
- FHRC Fair Housing Resource Center
- FTI Fit Turf Inc.